WebLogo               · about · create · examples ·

Version 2.8.2 (2005-09-08)

(⇒ WebLogo 3)



Crooks GE, Hon G, Chandonia JM, Brenner SE WebLogo: A sequence logo generator,
Genome Research, 14:1188-1190, (2004) [Full Text ]

Schneider TD, Stephens RM. 1990. Sequence Logos: A New Way to Display Consensus Sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 18:6097-6100


WebLogo is a web based application designed to make the generation of sequence logos as easy and painless as possible. Click here to create your own sequence logos.

Sequence logos are a graphical representation of an amino acid or nucleic acid multiple sequence alignment developed by Tom Schneider and Mike Stephens. Each logo consists of stacks of symbols, one stack for each position in the sequence. The overall height of the stack indicates the sequence conservation at that position, while the height of symbols within the stack indicates the relative frequency of each amino or nucleic acid at that position. In general, a sequence logo provides a richer and more precise description of, for example, a binding site, than would a consensus sequence.

WebLogo Source Code

The WebLogo source code is available for download. See the README file for installation instructions and release notes, and LICENSE for the open source license.


While no permanent records are kept of submitted sequences, we cannot undertake to guarantee that data sent to WebLogo remains secure. Moreover, no guarantees whatsoever are provided about data generated by WebLogo.


WebLogo was created by:

Gavin E. Crooks, Gary Hon, John-Marc Chandonia and Steven E. Brenner,
Computational Genomics Research Group,
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology,
University of California, Berkeley

WebLogo is based upon the programs alpro and makelogo, both of which are part of Tom Schneider's delila package. Many thanks are due to him for making this software freely available and for encouraging its use.

The Look & Feel of the sequence logo generation form was inspired by the GIF/PNG-Creator for 2D Plots of Chemical Structures.


Suggestions on how to improve WebLogo are heartily welcomed! Please email logo@compbio.berkeley.edu